
About the project

The International School “Cyber ​​Security and Artificial Intelligence” will be organized within the framework of the project. The main goal and task of which is the training of specialists in the field, new Training of highly qualified personnel, strengthening of national cyber capabilities, cyber interest of young people in the scientific direction of security and artificial intelligence, Raising consumer awareness and additional public-private cooperation (Public-Private Partnership) platform creation.

As a result of 14 days of intensive training, trainees will learn cyber Practical and scientific aspects of security and artificial intelligence. The training consists of From a specially selected program that includes courses on artificial intelligence and its Application methods in cyber security, ethical hacking, user security, networks on security, cyber-hygiene, open source intelligence (OSINT) and cryptography.

For this, the participants will listen to interactive lectures, learn about the findings of advanced foreign experts, They will study current directions, such as the beginnings of artificial intelligence, machine learning Learning, Cryptography, Post-Quantum Cryptography, Ethical Hacking.

Main directions and topics


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Artificial intelligence

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Ethical hacking

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Internet of things

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